
Protection Package

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The Protection Package includes one Electricity Harmoniser, four Protection Resonators to be placed in each corner of your home or bedroom, one Atlantis Protection Crystal Harmoniser to be placed in the centre of the home or bedroom and one Harmonisation Sticker Pack.

Scroll down to find more details about each item within the package.

Want a more complete package? Try the Home Package or the Deluxe Protection Package.

  • Neutralise geopathic stress emanating from underground water veins, rock fissures, radioactive deposits, and Hartmann, Currie or Benker grid lines and intersections;
  • Transmute EMFs from phone towers, 5G antennas, smart meters and LED street lights;
  • Block the mind control technology being used on the masses;
  • Repel psychic attacks and negative entities;
  • Promote emotional harmony.

Range: Our Atlantis Crystal Harmonisers have been estimated by a world-class clairvoyant to have a range of around 80-90ft. Our own tests indicate that our Resonators have a range of at least 30ft, while they were judged to have a range of 50-70ft by the same clairvoyant. The Electricity Harmoniser will cover the entire home.

Placement: Our Atlantis Crystal Harmonisers should be placed flat with the long edge aligned to magnetic north. The Protection version works best in one’s bedroom or in the centre of the home. The bedroom is the priority as that is where the body heals. The Electricity Harmoniser should be attached to the main cable leaving the fuse box. The Protection Resonators should be placed in the four corners of the home or on other sources of harmful radiation like Wi-Fi routers. The Harmonisation stickers should be placed on any item that emits harmful radiations like smart meters, mobile phones, Wi-Fi routers, laptops etc.

Size:  Atlantis 15cm length, Resonators 6cm base diamater approx.

Crystal Resonator Electricity Block

Despite its modest appearance, the Crystal Resonator Electricity Block is one of our most powerful and important devices for home protection and harmonisation. When attached to the main cable of your central fusebox, the harmonious wave emissions of this 13 crystal resonator are carried by the current throughout the household wiring. These wave emissions therefore not only saturate the entire property, but also act in the manner of a subtle energy Faraday Cage to block the ingress of noxious radiations from outside. There are many EMF devices on the market designed to protect residents from such radiations and they are often rather expensive. Having tested many of these, we have not found any which act with the potency of the Resonator Electricity Block (including those which are intended to plug into and thereby modify the energetic properties of the household wiring). This product may be used in 3 ways:

1. It may be attached to the fusebox on a permanent basis. Some people may feel slightly overwhelmed or “spacey” at first when exposed to the new frequencies, in which case it should be used for an hour or so and then gradually increase the exposure over successive days. Generally, most people acclimatise within a day or two and then prefer to run the Electricity Block continuously, as they notice the difference between the debilitating electro-smog of the outside world and the protected oasis of their own home.

2. It may be used as a temporary defensive measure if one has a sense that detrimental emissions (or entities) are targeting the property, causing ill-health, pain, distress, mental instability, etc. In the current global circumstances, many people are suffering from high levels of stress, anxiety and depression. They are often  unaware that these symptoms can be caused by external sources of electromagnetic and scalar frequency transmissions intended to produce this effect. Where this is the case, you will find that within minutes of attaching the Electricity Block all such symptoms cease, to be replaced by a sense of tranquility and balance. We may add that noxious frequencies can also be transmitted to target populations by running specific “dirty electricity” transient harmonics through the mains electricity supply. The detrimental effects of such transients would be neutralised to a considerable degree when the Electricity Block is in operation.

3. It may be attached on a temporary basis in order to facilitate healing and recuperation from injury or illness by bathing the household in harmonious wave patterns and simultaneously blocking those emitted by smart meters, phone towers, LED street lamps, and 5G relays, all of which compromise physical, mental and spiritual integrity and coherence.

Harmonisation Stickers

Harmonisation Stickers invert and transmute certain noxious subtle waves emitted by modern technologies such as mobile phones, smart meters, wi-fi routers, computers etc. They also block the specific carrier wave which is sometimes transmitted through such devices in order to deliver frequency patterns which control and negatively affect the mind and emotions.

Although there are multiple causes for symptoms of electrostress and electrosensitivity, for some individuals these intentionally transmitted frequencies are a significant factor and therefore relief can be obtained when the energetic information is modified by these stickers. In any event, the physical and subtle anatomy can most easily heal and function normally when exposure to these detrimental waves is minimised.

Simply place one Y symbol and one sine wave symbol on any device which may present these hazards.

What is the Atlantis symbol?

The Atlantis Crystal Harmoniser combines the proprietary orgonite and crystal resonator functions of our Tower Busters with the unique shape-caused waves propagated by the ancient Atlantis symbol.

Discovered in 1860 by the Egyptologist Marquis d’Aigrain, the symbol was carved into a sandstone ring retrieved from the tomb of an Egyptian high priest in the Valley of the Kings. According to legend, the ring was worn by the English archaeologist, Howard Carter, when he led the expedition which entered the tomb of Tutankhamun in November, 1922. Famously, many members of the expedition died shortly thereafter, but Carter was unaffected by what many considered to be some form of astral curse afflicting those who had desecrated the pharaoh’s resting place.

The ring later passed into the hands of radiesthesia (ie subtle energy detection) researchers in France, where Andre de Belizal and P.A. Morel found that the symbol, which they reproduced on a flattened wooden block, created a powerful protective shield, whilst balancing the “local cosmo-telluric energies”. This effect has been confirmed by many dowsers and radiesthesists, who note that the noxious radiations created by sources of geopathic stress are eliminated when the Atlantis symbol on a flattened block is placed within a premises. We are also aware of certain hauntings and negative entity presences being cleared in the same manner.

This item was designed in collaboration with metaphysics and esoteric science author, Marius D’Alexandre, who wished to provide an affordable means of protection to those who are concerned about the proliferation of microwave and millimetre wave (and mind control) technologies which are damaging human populations and those who wish to bring harmony to their homes in these difficult times. 

What is Orgonite? How can it be used and how does it work? Click here to find out more.

Astro-Orgonite Crystal Resonators – far more powerful than regular orgonite.

Astrologically timed and infused with melodic sound, our powerful and unique orgonite products use special proprietary mixes of crystals and metals to harmonise your environment in these difficult times.

They are unique because:

  1. We use precisely timed astrological elections and sound wave infusions when the resin matrix is created;
  2. We use different proprietary mixes of crystals (all cleared and programmed) to suit the purpose of each product;
  3. The crystal matrix is activated and amplified in a special manner in accordance with certain principles of subtle energy vibration and propagation;
  4. We don’t use cheap and bio-toxic aluminium metal (which suppresses the auric field).

Read more about our philosophy and why our products are different to those available elsewhere.

Please note:

  • You will receive one item per order unless a package is explicitly described – the images are for illustration only.
  • Each item will be unique and slightly different.
  • Each piece is hand-made with great care, but due to the nature of the materials used, small imperfections are possible, including but not limited to holes, bubbles, scratches and/or rough patches. These will not affect the energy and power of the item.
  • None of our products are intended to treat or cure any diseases. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical advice.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Etsy Customer

Michael was so easy to deal with. He was very prompt in answering our questions and even gave us some extra stickers in the home protection package. The pieces themselves are beautiful. The house has a very pleasant vibe to it now. Pieces themselves are powerful and we have noticed a marked improvement in mood, energy, ambiance and tranquility. The instructions were spot on and even contained a little background information on the products themselves. Happy we found this gem of a small business. Our go to orgone dealer.

Michael Mehr
Thank you for this Godsend of a product!

I am very grateful for this excellent product! I quickly installed the Protection Resonators in the four corners of my home and felt some improvement. Also placed the stickers immediately. But I was delayed a day or so putting the Electrical Harmoniser in place. However, when I did so, it was immediately noticeable. Such an improvement! I live within a block of some major towers and was amazed to feel the difference. My sleep has also improved markedly. I don't know whether to credit the products here or not, but even my blood pressure went down and got back in range! Thank you for helping me with these very effective products. Keep up the good work!

Hilary Spiteri

I ordered quite a lot of these to place in my highly EMF contaminated flat, by that I mean I bought more than 4 protection resonators plus the Atlantis Astro-Orgonite Crystal Harmoniser (you can find a review of this one in particular under the specific product itself). When the parcel arrived and held it in hand a huge headache started that lasted for 48 hours and then vanished leaving a sense of peace. As I placed the protection resonators on my smart meters, near wi-fi router and all around the house I felt as if a sense of oppression has been lifted from my head and shoulders. I carry one when I go outside (together with the Moon talisman if I am moving outside my strict neighbourhood) and I have noticed that I feel less threatened by what is happening in this crazy super controlled world. After a month that they have been installed in my house these protection resonators have created a place where I feel I have again control of my own mind without outside interference (and mind you I have no television, watch alternative news and I am well aware of what is happening just now). In spite of what is happening in the world and here in Italy it is getting worse and worse, I feel I am more in balance. Of course one has to work on oneself too. Protection Resonators are not magic bullets. But they sure are shields that create a space so that the individual can get back his/her sovereign mind.
Highly recommend.


I adore these amazing creations! Magically wonderful things happened in my life after a little more than 5 days of having them. Incredible products for sleep and harmonisation as well as abundance, although I am not sure they were intended for that purpose!