Health Range

Optimise your health and support the healing of the physical, emotional and subtle energetic bodies with our unique and powerful solutions.

Take back control of your health.

Crystalline Frequency Zapper

£144.00Add to cart

Combines a 15Hz square wave frequency with precisely engineering subtle waves. Kills pathogens, viruses and bacteria, while supporting the body’s own healing processes. Reported to be effective against major long-term health conditions as well as optimsing energy and promoting a state of vibrant health. A must-have device for all who care about their health and well-being.

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Powerful and tasty remedies for these challenging times.

Herbal Elixirs & Tonics

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A unique range of natural organic herbal products designed for the current challenging times with the same advanced subtle energy science behind all of our Question of Timing products. Designed and produced by the same team, is our sister site where you can find all of our herbal offerings.


Rejuvenating Baths

Radiance Bath Resonator



£30.00£36.00Select options

Healing Grids

Health Resonator



£24.00Add to cart

Geopathic Stress

Health Atlantis Harmoniser



£42.00£48.00Select options

Vibrant water

Drink Resonator (Coasters)



£30.00£48.00Select options


Rejuvenating Baths

Radiance Bath Resonator



£30.00£36.00Select options

Peaceful vibes

Tranquillity Atlantis Harmoniser



£39.00£48.00Select options

Relaxation Grids

Tranquillity Resonators



£24.00Add to cart

Relaxing Lighting

Tranquillity Salt Lamps



£12.00£45.00Read more


Vibrant Water

Water Harmoniser



£39.00Add to cart

Harmonise Chakras

Chakra Pendant



£96.00£120.00Select options

How to Choose & Use?

Radiance Bath Resonator

Charge your bath water with healing frequencies that assist healing, stress reduction and energy harmonising. Particularly powerfully acting on the lymphatic system while harmonising all organ systems in the body. Can also be used outside of the bath as a standard Resonator.

Drink Resonators (Coasters)

A convenient solution to charge your drinking water with either the Health or Radiance crystal blends.

Health Atlantis Crystal Harmoniser

To protect from geopathic stress and other harmful frequencies while also supporting health and healing. Contains the same crystal mix as the Health Resonators, combined with the powerfully harmonising Atlantis symbol.

Place the Atlantis block flat anywhere in the bedroom, positioned with the long edge along the north/south axis for maximum benefits.

Health Resonator

Grid your home or living space with these powerful items that act simultaneously upon the interdependent physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual components of the multidimensional human anatomy. They incorporate 15 different programmed crystals which radiate a spectrum of beneficial subtle vibrations and corrective information waves with which cells, organs, tissues, and body fluids can entrain in order to restore normal organic function. At the same time, they work to release the emotional and energetic blockages or distortions which often underpin the physical manifestations of debility and ill-health.

Tranquillity Atlantis Crystal Harmoniser

To protect from geopathic stress and other harmful frequencies while also generating an environment of peace and tranquillity. Contains the same crystal mix as the Tranquillity Resonators, combined with the powerfully harmonising Atlantis symbol.

Place the Atlantis block flat anywhere in the bedroom, positioned with the long edge along the north/south axis for maximum benefits.

Tranquillity Resonator

The Tranquillity Resonator is designed to promote an environmental ambiance and personal sensation of peace, harmony and tranquillity. Incorporating a blend of 15 different programmed crystals, it radiates a spectrum of vibrational patterns which act primarily upon the subtle (higher dimensional) anatomy, clearing energetic and emotional blockages, whilst breaking up areas of stagnation and psychological stress. As it works to smooth the energy flow through the chakras, meridians and nadial channels, whilst simultaneously balancing left/right brain hemispheres, it can melt away the stresses of modern life, restoring a natural sense of well-being.

Chakra Pendant

This pendant contains the same protective mix as the Protection Pendant, but also contains additional crystals designed to clear and harmonise the chakra and meridian systems. It may therefore support healing, vitality and emotional balance where these functions have become compromised through subtle energetic blockage or interference.

Health Range FAQs

What’s the difference between the Atlantis and the Resonators?

They both contain the same ingredients. However, the Atlantis combines these ingredients with the powerfully harmonising Atlantis symbol, which clears emissions of geopathic stress from underground water veins, rock fissures, Currie, Hartmann, Benker grids etc – all of which cause ill-health (particularly cancer), and weaken or damage the bioenergetic system.

They work well in combination, with the Resonators placed around the edges of the property and the Atlantis in the centre.

What’s the difference between a Health Resonator and a Radiance Bath Resonator?

There is an overlap between the Health and Radiance blends. They are both working on key internal organs and bloodstream. Health has a bit more emphasis on the immune system and supplies more energy to a weakened organism under illness/stress. You can notice this because if you have a bath with a Health Resonator and are already very healthy, it feels very energising and you wouldn’t want to sleep at night. In contrast, the Radiance Resonator could be used at night. You feel calm and cleansed afterwards but can still sleep. So Health is better to overcome infection or debility, Radiance to maximise the state of physical or mental wellbeing.

Any other questions?

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