
Home Package

Original price was: £354.00.Current price is: £297.00.

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SKU: 7198 Category:

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Please click on the individual item links above for full information about each product contained within the package.

What can the home package provide?

  • Fill your home with peace, harmony and tranquillity;
  • Neutralise geopathic stress emanating from underground water veins, rock fissures, radioactive deposits, and Hartmann, Currie or Benker grid lines and intersections;
  • Transmute EMFs from phone towers, 5G antennas, smart meters and LED street lights;
  • Block the mind control technology being used on the masses;
  • Repel psychic attacks and negative entities;
  • Clear energetic and emotional blockages;
  • Break up stagnation and psychological stress;
  • Smooth the energy flow through the chakras, meridians and nadial channels;
  • Balance left/right brain hemispheres;
  • Melt away the stress of modern life and restore a natural sense of well-being.

These items were designed in collaboration with metaphysics and esoteric science author, Marius D’Alexandre, who wished to provide an affordable means of protection to those who are concerned about the proliferation of microwave and millimetre wave (and mind control) technologies which are damaging human populations and those who wish to bring harmony to their homes in these difficult times. 

What is Orgonite? How can it be used and how does it work? Click here to find out more.

Astro-Orgonite Crystal Resonators – far more powerful than regular orgonite.

Astrologically timed and infused with melodic sound, our powerful and unique orgonite products use special proprietary mixes of crystals and metals to harmonise your environment in these difficult times.

They are unique because:

  1. We use precisely timed astrological elections and sound wave infusions when the resin matrix is created;
  2. We use different proprietary mixes of crystals (all cleared and programmed) to suit the purpose of each product;
  3. The crystal matrix is activated and amplified in a special manner in accordance with certain principles of subtle energy vibration and propagation;
  4. We don’t use cheap and bio-toxic aluminium metal (which suppresses the auric field).

Read more about our philosophy and why our products are different to those available elsewhere.

Please note:

  • You will receive one item per order unless a package is explicitly described – the images are for illustration only.
  • Each item will be unique and slightly different.
  • Each piece is hand-made with great care, but due to the nature of the materials used, small imperfections are possible, including but not limited to holes, bubbles, scratches and/or rough patches. These will not affect the energy and power of the item.
  • None of our products are intended to treat or cure any diseases. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical advice.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review

It was mind-blowing the first time I held the electricity Harmoniser in my hand! The strong energy that radiated from it was unbelievable. The overall energy in my home has quieted down and not only do I feel more peaceful but I can sleep better.