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Last month we ran a giveaway to provide free products to people most in need of them. Thanks to the generousity of an anonymous donor, we sent almost £1,000 worth of products to a few people who were suffering from various forms of electrostress or health issues and could not easily afford to purchase our items themselves. You can read more about our last giveaway here, and a case study from one of the winners here. More case studies will be made available shortly.
I’m so happy to announce that this month, we will be running another round! So if you have been wanting to get some of our products but money is tight (perhaps you have lost your job recently or your business has been hit badly by recent events)… here is your chance.
You are also welcome to propose someone you know that you think would really benefit, but doesn’t have the funds available.

Orgonite Crystal Resonator April Free Giveaway

We have been blessed by the generousity of one of our customers (who wishes to remain anonymous). He has offered to fund another product giveaway to assist those in need.
He also wishes to raise awareness of this project and the products we offer. So please help us to share this giveaway and/or our website/products with anyone you know that might be interested, whether you decide to apply or not. It would be much appreciated.
All you have to do is contact me at by Wednesday 14th April, and answer the following, either about yourself, or the person you are proposing:
  1. What is your name and country of residence? This is for us to estimate shipping costs. Note that any country is welcome to apply; last time we sent items to several countries.
  2. Please tell us why you should be selected to receive some of our products for free. This is the place to let us know why we should pick you. Let us know anything you think that might be relevant.
  3. Please provide any further relevant information about your home and your environment, such as nearby sources of electromagnetic pollution or stressors. This is to help us choose the appropriate products for your situation.
  4. Please share our website/products/this giveaway with as many people as possible that might genuinely be interested and benefit from our solutions. This could be via emails, social media or word of mouth for example. Please let us know in your application how you have done this.
  5. Any further relevant information you wish to provide.
We will be selecting a couple of people who we feel are most in need. We will select the items based upon the information you give us in the application. We will also be sending a free copy of Marius D’Alexandre’s book, Not Dark Yet, to the lucky winners, along with the products.
Please only apply or propose someone who cannot easily afford to invest in the items themselves. This will help us reach those who need the help the most. Thank you for your understanding.
Here is a message from our generous donor:“Hi guys,
Thank you for taking the time to read this message.
Many of you are here because you are looking for better solutions and more effective tools to solve your problems than the ones offered in other platforms. You are at the right place.
Have you considered what the root cause of these problems might be? Have you also noticed that the same problems also tend to reappear over and over again? I have been fortunate to learn that the source of one’s current problems and dramas are the result of past thoughts and actions. These patterns are stored inside of your body and will manifest over and over again until one learns to release them. The products that Michael offers will create a space of relief, lessen the effects of external interference of which you can turn your focus from the outside to inside. You can use this space to increase your knowledge and awareness with Marius D’Alexandre’s book. This will be the beginning of the true solution to your problems and dramas. By taking responsibility for your personal evolution, this will be the first step in changing your reality.
Best of luck to everyone and I hope this information will guide you towards a higher path of evolution.”

Just send an email to answering the questions above by Wednesday 14th April.

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