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In our recent giveaway, we invited applications from anyone who felt in need of our products, especially those suffering from electro-sensitivity or electrostress and who might have difficulties purchasing themselves for any reason.

One of our lucky winners was Juliet from Ireland. She was suffering quite badly from electrostress due to the environment of her home and surroundings. In this article, we’ll be sharing her experience with our products.

Describe your situation before receiving the Astro-Orgonite Crystal Resonator products?

I am electrohypersensitive, two years ago we had to move into town, our car kept breaking down and where we lived was rural and only one bus a week, since being in town my sensitivity has worsened, now I have severe tinnitus with frequency changes which can make me feel sick, I feel so hot, especially my face, I also have other health problems which have yet to be identified, everything went on hold when the virus hit. My world is becoming so small, wireless radiation is nearly everywhere now in Ireland, I am surrounded by 4 large masts with another being put up soon, don’t know how I am going to cope when the antennas are put on.

We sent her the following products:

  1. Crystal Resonator Protection Pendant;
  2. Protection Field Amplifier Base and Shungite sphere;
  3. Protection Atlantis Crystal Resonator;
  4. Two Crystal Resonator Electricity Harmonisers (one to give to a friend in need);
  5. Two Health Resonators;
  6. Harmonisation Sticker Pack; and
  7. A copy of Marius D’Alexandre’s book, Not Dark Yet.

Why did we choose these items?

These items were chosen to protect her from the various major sources of harmful frequencies in her close environment causing her symptoms of electrostress.

The Electricity Harmoniser surrounds the entire home with healing and protective frequencies by carrying a precisely selected set of frequencies on the current throughout the wiring of the building. It also smooths out any dirty electricity or other harmful frequencies being carried on the current and effectively surrounds the property with a subtle energy Faraday Cage of protective frequencies, helping to block the ingress of harmful radiation from outside sources.

The Harmonisation Sticker Pack then helps to take care of the sources of harmful frequencies from inside the home, such as the smart meters, Wi-Fi router, TV and mobile phones.

The Crystal Resonator Protection Pendant generates a powerful high frequency protective bubble which repels harmful frequencies and helps to ground the wearer to the Earth through the feet chakras. It also helps to support the integrity and harmony of mind, body and spirit. This item will protect Juliet when she is out of the house as well.

The Protection Field Amplifier Base and Shungite sphere work in conjunction with everything else by adding an intense and powerful protective bubble, designed to be placed by the bed at night or close to the user during the day. This bubble is highly grounding, and allows much of any remaining bioenergetic stress from EMFs to be released out the body through the foot chakras.

The Protection Atlantis Crystal Harmoniser neutralises geopathic stress from underground water veins, rock fissures, Currie, Hartmann, Benker grids etc. – all of which cause ill-health (particularly cancer), and weaken or damage the bioenergetic system. The crystal mix inside this particular version also assists to transmute harmful waves from EMF and repel psychic attacks and negative entities.

Finally, the Health Resonators provide support to a body under stress by strengthening the immune system and working simultaneously upon the interdependent physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual components of the multidimensional human anatomy to support health and wellbeing.

What changes have you noticed? Are you still suffering from any electro-sensitivity or electro-stress?

While she felt the power of them straight away, Juliet took a few days to adjust to the intense changes in the environment of her home after installed all of her products. This is to be expected with such a major and sudden change for someone so sensitive to subtle energies. A few days after installing the items, she sent us the below message:

“Yesterday was the best day I have had in 4 years! My improvement is at least 80%! So thank you so very much for being a part (big part) on my journey to full health πŸ™”

After a few weeks with the products, we received the following update:

“Dearest Michael, I just wanted to tell you how my life has improved since winning all the wonderful goodies. As I said, initially I wasn’t to well for about 3 days/nights, probably overwhelmed with all the positive energies. I am now mostly feeling human, my home is a wonderful calm space… my dreams have got deeper, more vivid and I can even sometimes remember them in the morning, something I haven’t been able to do since my teens, my partner is sleeping better too… I also wanted to tell you about my cat Lou, she has taken to the health resonator, she rests right beside it, and last night, 1st time ever she slept in my room! I just want to say a huge thank you again, I never thought my life could be as good again.

Kindest regards

Juliet (Ireland)”

Further feedback on individual items

Electricity Harmoniser
Electricity Harmoniser

Initially for a few days after I attached the electricity harmoniser I didn’t sleep very well, think I was overloaded with pure healing energy, something I haven’t had for a very long time, but for the last two days something shifted, my sleep improved tremendously, I feel so much calmer, happier and much more positive. I am so grateful to have won these wonderful items. Thank you πŸ™‚

protection pendant
Crystal Resonator Protection Pendant

It’s beautiful, so tactile, can’t put it down, the only time I don’t wear it is in bed, but then it is very close to me hung on the back of the bed, I know it’s protecting me, I can feel it, I would be so lost without my pendant now. I even noticed that I can use my mobile without getting a hot face now. Thank you! <3

Health Resonator
Health Resonator

I am in love with the beautiful clean energy this resonator gives off, after the initial overdose from all my goodies I am at last really enjoying the benefits, today for the first time in nearly 4 years I feel like my old self, am passing one onto a friend tomorrow πŸ™‚ Thank you!

Atlantis Crystal Harmoniser – Protection

Lovely colour, full of sparkly metals, the base is amazing, I am sure, maybe I am wrong, but it looks like there was amazing energy moving about before it completely set, all swirly. I placed it in the right position now (thank you Michael) it’s living among my plants which I am sure will benefit from it’s beautiful energy. My home is now a wonderful place, somewhere I know I can escape from all the wireless radiation from numerous masts/routers/mobiles around me, I feel so grateful. Thank you <3

shungite amplifier
Protection Field Amplifier

So beautifully made, full of clean healing energies, the shungite ball is very tactile, so smooth, the base is sparkly, with small intense colours running through it, it stays with me now, I am warming to the energies it expels, love being in a room with all my goodies around me. I have yet to use it when I meditate, I am sure it will help me with the guidance I sometimes need. Thank you πŸ™‚

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