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The planet and all of us living on it are currently passing through a special window of time where we are receiving an interdimensional infusion of energy from the Sun. I wrote more about this and how it relates to recent and current world events in this article.

In order to properly harness and ground this energy in our bodies to take full advantage, we need to take conscious steps.

There are known to be several etheric crystal “locks” within the body that control both the pulsation speed and angular rotation of spin of incarnate consciousness1. These locks maintain our current trajectories in life. With the following technique, it is possible to use the Sun’s rays to unlock these crystal locks within the body and shift ourselves onto a path leading to greater health, fulfillment and joy, as well as a rise in the level of our consciousness and cognition.

Note that these crystal locks will not release on their own. In the current times of this stellar infusion cycle, this is especially important. If we are unable to ground and accommodate these energies, we will begin to experience discomfort which will is likely to manifest through illness and trauma in the body and/or the mind.

The following exercise is reproduced with permission from Not Dark Yet: The Metaphysics of the End Times by Marius D’Alexandre. I recommend picking up a copy of his book if you would like to learn more about the crystal locks and other related topics.

While the exercise below might seem complicated at first, once you are familiar is takes very little time to perform. It should be performed outside when the Sun is visible in the sky on a regular basis. If you like in the UK like me, that means whenever we get the chance to see the Sun!

Step One: Releasing the Blue Etheric Crystal Lock

The blue crystal is located in the centre of the chest, just above the heart chakra. It can be released with 4th dimensional frequency (corresponding to the colour green within the visible spectrum).   

1. Inhale from the Sun a green stream of energy down to a point about 12” below the feet and then bring it up through chakra 12 (which may be visualised as a transparent vortex or funnel of energy located 6” below the feet) and into the heart chakra in the chest. 

2. Inhale a second stream of green solar energy down through chakra 11 (which may be visualised as a transparent vortex or funnel of energy located 18” above the head) and into the throat chakra. 

3. From there use another inhale breath to pull the 2 green energy streams simultaneously down from the throat chakra and up a bit from the heart chakra into the blue crystal. 

4. Exhale the energy into the blue crystal, imagining it explode into a blue starburst as it releases. 

5. Repeat the process for a total of 3, 7 or 12 release breaths, as time permits.  

Step Two: Releasing the Indigo Etheric Crystal Lock

The indigo crystal is located in the region of thymus gland, at the top of the chest. It can be released with 5th dimensional frequency (corresponding to the colour blue within the visible spectrum).   

1. Inhale from the Sun a blue stream of energy down through chakra 11 (which may be visualised as a transparent vortex or funnel of energy located 18” above the head) and into the throat chakra. 

2. Inhale a second stream of blue solar energy through chakra 10 (which may be visualised as a transparent vortex or funnel of energy located 6” above the head) and into the centre of chakra 6 in the pineal gland in the centre of the brain. 

3. From there use another inhale breath to pull the 2 blue energy streams simultaneously from the throat chakra and pineal gland into the indigo crystal. 

4. Exhale the energy into the indigo crystal, imagining it explode into a starburst of indigo light as it releases. 

5. Repeat the process for a total of 3, 7 or 12 release breaths, as time permits.  

Step Three: Releasing the Gold Etheric Crystal Lock

The gold crystal is located in chakra 12 (which may be visualised as a transparent disc of energy located 6” below the feet). It can be released with 6th dimensional frequency (corresponding to the colour indigo within the visible spectrum).   

1. Inhale from the Sun an indigo stream of energy down under the feet and up through chakra 12 (which may be visualised as a transparent vortex or funnel of energy located 6” below the feet), up through the centre of the body and into the centre of chakra 6 in the pineal gland in the centre of the brain. 

2. Inhale a second stream of indigo solar energy diagonally up through chakra 8 around the thymus gland/ centre of the collar bone and into the pineal gland.

3. Inhale to pull a third indigo stream of energy diagonally up through chakra 9 (located opposite chakra 8 behind you where the neck meets the shoulders) and into the pineal gland. The 3 indigo streams have now converged in the pineal gland in the centre of Chakra 6. 

4. Then use an exhale to push a single combined indigo stream down through the centre of the body into the gold crystal in the centre of chakra 12 the transparent disc of energy located 6” below the feet),  imagining it explode into a starburst of gold light as it releases. 

5. Repeat the process for a total of 3, 7 or 12 release breaths, as time permits.  

1 – Not Dark Yet, by Marius D’Alexandre

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