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While the myriad of interwoven cycles that are influencing our lives every day are rather complex, it is possible to get a lot of useful information by simply focussing on one of these natural cycles: those of the Moon.

The effects of Moon, being the closest planetary body to the Earth, have long been studied by traditional cultures and modern science alike. Today, it is recognised in the mainstream as being responsible for the changing of the tides, regulating the menstrual cycles of women and affecting the timing of animal and plant activity to name just a few.

Aside from the menstrual cycles, which are not widely discussed, as humans most of us do not consider the Moon to impact our lives very much at all. I have been accused of being superstitious for simply commenting that a full Moon was in the sky and hinting that it might be significant to our lives in some way.

This is a result of the current widespread conception that humans are somehow separate to nature and different to other animals. That we, living in our concrete towers, are not subject to the same rules, laws and natural cycles as the rest of nature and that we can mould it how we see fit.

Of course, it is this separation which is the cause of most of our ills. We are, in fact, very much part of the rest of creation and subject to the same, universal, natural laws. Once we accept this, we can begin to study and understand those laws, and then use them to our advantage. If we live in denial of this, we are simply walking this Earth blindly, still subject to laws that we are unaware of, like a blind man walking without a cane and unaware of his surroundings.

In this article, I am going to provide a simple but potent framework through which we can begin to act in tune with the natural cycles and hence increase the power of our actions and chances of success. You could think of this as knowing the direction of the current in a river before jumping in. This way, we can swim with the natural currents of nature at our back, supporting us in all that we do, rather than attempting to swim against the current, wasting our energies and making it harder to succeed.

So let’s take a deeper look at the natural cycles of the Moon.

Simply put, the Moon passes through two major phases during its cycle: the waxing phase, where its light is increasing between the new moon and full moon, and the waning phase, where its light is decreasing between the full moon and the new moon.

Any quick search online will provide you with the dates of the last full or new moon, and allow you to know if the moon is currently waxing or waning. Of course you could also observe its motion in the sky yourself.

These two phases have completely contrasting energies, or as in our example, currents.

The waxing phase is the two week period where the Moon moves from being between the earth and the Sun, the new moon (where it is invisible from our perspective on Earth), to being opposite the Sun in the sky, rising only at night and illuminating our planet with the reflected light of the Sun.

Every day, the Moon reflects more and more light to us on Earth during the waxing phase. This is symbolic of a phase of increase, building up, growth and expansion. Since the Sun’s light (and energy) is vital for all beings on Earth, a period where this light is increasing each day will surely support the growth and expansion of all things. This idea has been proven to be true over thousands of years of observations in nature. If you are curious or doubtful, I encourage you to test it yourself as I have done (see later in this article).

Conversely, the waning phase refers to the other two week period, where the Moon moves back around our planet to once again being placed between us and the Sun.

During this waning phase, the Moon reflects less and less light to use each day. It moves from a peak and culmination of reflecting the Sun’s light to us at full moon, to once again going dark in the sky at the new moon.

While much of modern science attributes the Moon’s effects on the planet to its gravitational force, the more significant effects are due to its reflection of the Sun’s light. This light does not just contain what we can observe in the visible light spectrum; it contains a very broad range of electromagnetic and interdimensional frequencies. It is through this spectrum of energy that the Sun, and the Moon, so profoundly affect life on this planet.

So now that we understand the nature of the two main phases of the Moon, we can take note of these two week cycles and plan our actions accordingly.

The waxing period, between the new and full moons, will be conducive to success in all activities that relate to a growth, increase, building up, absorbing and strengthening. It can be thought of as being like breathing in. If we undertake corresponding activities at this time, they will be more effective, just like if we are swimming with the current rather than against it.

Examples of activities suitable for the waxing moon period include:

  •          Planting crops
  •          Starting any project that you wish to grow like a business
  •          Building muscle or strength

The waning period, between the full and new moons, will be conducive to success in all activities that relate to a decrease, reduction, destruction, extraction, and weakening. It can be thought of as being like breathing out. If we undertake corresponding activities at this time, they will be more effective, just like if we are swimming with the current rather than against it.

Examples of activities suitable for the waning moon period include:

  •           Detoxification (whether via sweating out, or using aids to remove toxins from our bodies like clays or herbs)
  •          Giving up of habits
  •          Knocking something down or removing it
  •          Starting a diet to lose weight

This difference in these natural cycles can easily be tested and observed by planting two sets of identical seeds in the soil – one set in the waxing phase and one set in the waning phase.

Ideally, we should also consider where the Moon is in the sky, how it is connecting with other celestial bodies as well as the cycles of those other bodies, amongst other factors. However, you will find that for most everyday and relatively unimportant activities, paying attention to the phase of the Moon will provide a powerful guide and help your actions to be more successful.

If you are planning something important, it is worth looking at all of the factors involved to select the optimal moment. This is something I am happy to help you with and after many years of research and testing am able to offer this as one of my services. Click here to learn more.

For those interested in learning more, this book provides a lot of simple but useful information:

Moon Time: The Art of Harmony with Nature and Lunar Cycles

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